friendship Archive

The Elephant in the Room: How Elissa Schappell Broke My Heart Twice

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In March 2015, I went off the pill. It was all very well-planned on the surface, but inside I was hesitant, equivocal, terrified. I knew I wanted to have kids, but I didn’t ache for a baby, and I was worried about all the ways it would change my

Writing Trauma: Notes of Transcendence, #5—The Objective Correlative

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Caldwell’s memoir is a deep exploration into how human and human-animal connections can heal us from traumatic experiences.

The Work of Fiction and the Fiction of Work

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A life is divided into three parts: the time before you’re able to work, the time after you’re able to work, and the monstrous bulk of time between. After obedience to the law and some basic moral code, work is one of the great demands placed upon the able.